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Introducing E.G.O.: the Evil Genius Organized-Play Program

Hello there! My name is Michael Bramnik, the new Organized Play Manager here at Evil Genius Games. I am excited to introduce you to our brand new Evil Genius Organized-Play (E.G.O.) Program!

Even with our Cinematic Adventures releasing throughout 2023, we just don’t think that’s enough gaming for Everyday Heroes like you. Starting next year, E.G.O. adventures will be released every month, with each full-length game designed to run in a 3–4 hour time block (plus several 1–2 hour ones). This way, you can start and finish games in one sitting, without having to schedule and regularly attend multi-session campaigns. You’ll be able to take the characters you play to any E.G.O. game anywhere in the world (or beyond if we can recruit at NASA) and continue to play them, meeting other players all along your journey.

While each of these adventures can stand on their own, E.G.O. games will take place as part of a “living campaign” that contains seasonal story arcs. Within these stories, you, our players, can change the very world your characters live in. You’ll be able to rate the games you play, which helps us streamline the kind of content we produce for you in upcoming seasons, while your GMs will report what in-game decisions your party made, affecting the storyline for everyone! GMs who run their games in publicly-accessible venues (gaming stores, libraries, etc.) will also earn points they can use for discounts on Evil Genius Games merchandise and books on our website!

As for me, I’ve been playing and GMing tabletop roleplaying games ever since I was in high school. We had our own sort of “organization” in which the seniors would be our GMs and the underclassmen would learn the game and play, and then take the reins and recruit new players, with the same set of books being passed down over time. My little brother ended up as one of the last GMs for that group, so I was able to recover the oldest notes from that campaign, stretching over 12 years! Since then, I’ve served as a volunteer officer and GM or Storyteller for numerous organized play groups before entering the RPG industry itself as a writer and developer. Feel free to check out my writing projects.

The E.G.O. program is slated to begin in January 2024 with three Everyday Heroes Assignments, along with a couple of preview adventures in December of 2023. Stay tuned to our E.G.O. landing page for more information as we release it, including details about character creation, leveling up, and tie-ins to our Cinematic Adventures and 2023 convention adventures!

Have you been a part of another organized play program in the past? Even if you haven’t, what sort of things excite you about this kind of gaming structure? What are some things you’re hoping to see from the E.G.O. program? Let us know!

Until later, take care and all the best!

Michael Bramnik (He/Him)
Organized Play Manager
Evil Genius Games

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Sir Terry Pratchett


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